Documentation for RangeTrees.
— TypeRangeNode
An augmented, balanced, binary interval tree of intervals of integers represented as a UnitRange.
```jldoctest julia> rn = RangeNode([0:0, 3:40, 10:14, 20:35, 29:98]); # example from Wikipedia page
julia> intersect(40:59, rn) 2-element Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}: 40:40 40:59 ````
— Methodintersect!(result::Vector{UnitRange{T}}, target::AbstractUnitRange, rn::RangeNode{T}) where {T}
Recursively intersect target
with the intervals in the tree rooted at rn
Non-empty intersections are pushed onto result
in the same order as the intersecting nodes appear in the tree. Storing maxlast
allows for the pre-order depth-first search to be truncated when a node's maxlast
is less than first(target)
. Because the nodes are in non-decreasing order of first(intvl)
the right subtree can be skipped when last(target) < first(intvl)
— Methodmidrange(rng::AbstractUnitRange{T}) where {T<:Integer}
Return the median of rng
, rounding up when length(rng)
is even.
— Methodsplitrange(rng)
Split rng
into mid
, the value of midrange
, the UnitRange
to the left of mid
and the UnitRange
to the right.